Sep 1, 2010

the song a day project august 2010

august 2010

1. mixtape - tift merritt
2. chase this light - jimmy eat world
3. dreams - brandi carlile
4. wake up - the arcade fire
5. i don't worry - bess rogers
6. rally - allie moss
7. i'm an animal - neko case
8. country pete yorn
9. blush - plumb
10. rockstar 101 - rihanna
11. breathe me - sia
12. impossible germany - wilco
13. then - brad paisley
14. repo man - ray lamontagne
15. papercut - tift merritt
16. mine - taylor swift
17. take on me - a.c. newman
18. neon bible - the arcade fire
19. dilly - band of horses
20. trouble is a friend - lenka
21. miss her so - magnet
22. fern dell (demo) - mandy moore
23. sort of - ingrid michaelson
24. six more days of rain - tift merritt
25. one wing - wilco
26. love songs - brandi carlile
27. to be young - ryan adams
28. weed party - band of horses
29. in the sun - she & him
30. are you a sleeper - denison witmer
31. plans - death cab for cutie

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